Monday, May 26, 2008


woman of idol

The Unsung Heroes

Everyone seems to know Aishah Gani, Rafidah Aziz, Tun Fatimah and few more names who left behind - dignity in politics. But most people might not know these two women who I really idolize very much. They are my source of inspiration till I become what I am now. Their services to the country and most women at their time are appreciated and goes unforgotten. They both resemble true women leaders of the 60s and the 80s

                                 Puan Normah bt Liman (Kuala Lumpur, 2020)

 My mother was the-then Timbalan Ketua Wanita Umno for Pari Garden, Ipoh. A soft spoken and motherly type woman she is, Puan Normah is well –known to everyone in Pari Garden. She speaks only when necessary and gives sharp opinion to all generation of women seeking her advice. Puan Normah is a good listener and very attentive in making decision.

She was the only Malay student who was chosen to pursue her studies in an English School in Ipoh. She performed very excellently in her studies despite of living in poverty. She carries an identity of a down hearted lady leader during her years in UMNO.

Way back in the 70s, she was the front team leader in her own transport company which was very well known during those years. Together with my father, they expanded their wings and ventured further into the tourism industry. Since then, this down hearted and soft spoken lady became an iron lady without people realizing it. With assets and profit worth thousands of ringgit per fiscal year, and earning a five-figure income per month, she has proven herself that being a mother and with a little background in tertiary education, she has successfully amazed us and everyone knowing her.

Having 6 children and currently owning a Diploma In Beauty, she has run a beauty and spa centre in Plaza Alam Sentral, Shah Alam. She was fondly known as UMI to many of her friends and clients. She carried an unimaginable pain, sweat and tears to grow up her children.

Currently, she spends most of the time at home and staying close with her youngest child. She still shares some of her secrect recipes on inner and outer beauty of a woman. She wishes to become a role model to her children, sisters and friends.


                                                   Illustration is for the reference purposes
                                  Allahyarhamah Puan Hajah Nik Zawahir

My mother in law, Allahyarhamah Puan Hajjah Nik Zawahir, AMN, PPN was very active in politics and business. She was a Ketua Wanita UMNO and a former MP & ADUN for districts in Machang & Bachok, Kelantan. Besides, she was a facilitator who had conducted many cooking and beauty classess for women. She in fact, had many times became a 'wedding manager' and was put in charge of most of the pre-wedding planning and organizing.

She was personally known to the ex-Prime Ministers like Tunku Abdul Rahman and Tun Abdul Razak. Her diligence and hardworking spirit adored many ministers that she became their campain manager. She carried her own mandates that everyone in the ministry would trust. Allahyarhamah was very friendly and became everyone best friends. She had undergone much sorrow bringing up 10 children without a permanent income. Till the day she was very ill, she expressed her wishes to pursue her studies in Political Science with Phd. Her names will always be always in everyone’s heart to those who know her. She owed most of the support to her understanding husband.

She once head the PIBG(Parents Teachers Association) for 3 renowned schools - SRK Sultan Ismail 2, SM Sultan Ismail and Maktab Sultan Ismail, Kota Bharu. Her leadership and talents, her boldness and courage spoken million of ideas and thoughts which have inspired me to move ahead. Her traits and persona walked together with her generosity. She left us with sweet memories.


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